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Use the APP

Provision Smart Devices in Groups

  1. Enter the Home page and turn on Bluetooth as prompted. The app will automatically scan the nearby connectable devices and display them in a pop-up window.
  1. Tap Go add and select the devices to be connected, or tap Add All to add all devices.
  1. After the selection is completed, choose a 2.4 G Wi-Fi network, input the password, and tap Next. The devices will queue up for provisioning. The successfully provisioned ones will be displayed on the Home page.

Scan Automatically to Add Devices

  1. Every time a new user enters the Home page, they will see two sections, namely Home and Add Device.
  1. Tap + in the center of the screen. The application automatically scans for the device you want to connect to. (Tip: Please connect your phone to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network before scanning smart devices).
  2. After devices are found, please tap the smart device you want to add, and the app will automatically load the available Wi-Fi network.
  3. Enter the Wi-Fi password and tap Next. The smart device automatically connects to the network.
  1. After the connection is established, you can customize your device name and device group.

Manually Add Smart Devices

  1. If devices cannot be added by automatic scan, you can add them manually.
  2. On the Home page, tap Add Device.
  3. In the All Devices column, tap the device that you want to add.
  4. Read the appeared Device Reset page and tap Next.
  5. The application will search for the device to be connected. After it is found, tap to connect it. (Tip: Please connect your phone to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network before scanning smart devices.)
  1. Enter the Wi-Fi password of the network and tap Next.

  2. The device will automatically connect to your app. After the connection is established, you can customize your device name, device group, and share control with others.

Scan QR Code to Add Device

  1. For devices with QR code, you can tap + in the top right corner of the Home page to scan QR code (please turn on the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi of your phone and connect your phone to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network before scanning smart devices).
  2. Enter the Wi-Fi password and tap Next.
  3. The device will automatically connect to your app. After the connection is established, you can customize your device name, device group, and share control with others.

Reset Devices (e.g., Bulb)

  1. If your smart device (such as a bulb) is kept steady on, it is successfully connected.
  2. If you want to reset your smart device, please turn it off and on at an interval of two seconds and repeat the actions (off-on) five times until it is reset successfully and flashes yellow.

Delete Devices

  1. After your smart device is successfully connected, it will be displayed on the Home page of the app.
  2. On the Home page, touch and hold the device you want to delete, and all the deletable devices start to jiggle. Select the device you want to delete, tap Remove Device and then Confirm.
  1. Alternatively, find and tap the device you want to delete on the Home page, tap the Settings icon in the upper right corner to enter the Settings page, and then tap Remove Device.

Group Devices

  1. When you have too many devices of the same type and want to distinguish them, you may group them.
  2. On the Home page, tap any device that you want to group, tap Group in the lower right corner, select the device that you want to group with, tap Save, and finally name the group.
  3. The grouped devices can also be added to other groups. You only need to repeat Step 2.
  4. The grouped devices can be controlled together at the same time. For example, they can be turned off, set to green light, or switch to other scenes at the same time.

Room Management

  1. You can manage devices in different locations and environments separately through the app.
  2. In the selection tab at the page bottom, tap Room to enter the room management page. In the page's upper right corner, click + to enter the room settings page.
  3. To select or customize a room name, tap Room Name.
  4. Tap the device in the following list to add it to the room you create. Tap Save to finish.
  5. Once you have added it, a room tab will appear on the Home page.
  1. You can find or control the devices that are just added to the room on the Home page or the Room tab. Tap the blank space of the information bar to enter the room device control page. You can slide the CCT value together with the Brightness value, while other items cannot be used. When you slide the Hue value, all items except CCT can be used together.

Add or Delete Room Devices

  1. You can add or delete devices in a room.
  2. Tap Room, the room name, and then the Settings icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap ✏️ icon to modify the room’s nickname, tap ➖ to delete an existing device, and tap ➕ to add a device to this room. Tap Save to save the setting.

Share Devices

  1. You can share and manage devices with your family and friends.
  2. First, enter the room management page, tap a device, tap the Settings icon in the upper right corner, tap Sharing, and enter the email or account of your family or friends to start the sharing.
  1. The receiver can accept or reject this sharing invitation in the Notification Center. Go to User > Notification Center, and then tap Decline or Accept.
  2. If the receiver accepts this sharing, they can view and control this shared device on their Home page.

Voice Assistant

  1. You can connect smart devices to a voice assistant to control them more easily with voice.
  2. First, go to User > The Third Party Integration, tap a voice assistant you want to connect to, and then follow the instructions.