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Get Started

Download Nova Home

Open Google Play or App Store on your phone, search for Nova Home, and download it. Here are the links for quick reference:

Sign up

  1. In the upper right corner, tap “SIGN UP” and enter some information.

  2. Please register by email. The country or region where the app is used will be synchronized with the country or region in the phone's Settings. You can change it at registration. (Note that you cannot change it after registration). Enter an email and tap Get to obtain a verification code.

  3. Enter the verification code and your password. (Note that the password should consist of 8-20 characters and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit.)

  4. Tick “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy”, and tap “Sign up” to complete the registration.

Sign in

  1. If you have successfully registered, select SIGN IN to enter the SIGN IN page.
  2. The system automatically identifies the country or region you are in (you can also manually select a country or region by yourself).
  3. Enter the email address and the password.
  4. If you have an Apple ID or a Google account, you can tap the Apple or Google icon at the bottom of the SIGN UP page and sign in with either account after authorization.

Change Password

  1. Tap User and then tap the profile picture or the Settings icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Tap Account and Security. The page for changing the password is displayed.
  3. Tap Change Password.
  4. Enter the old password and the new password, and confirm the new one. (Note that the password should be 8-20 characters long and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit.)

Forgot Password

  1. If you forget your password, you can follow the instructions to reset it.
  2. Tap Forget password.
  3. Enter your email address for registration and tap Get to obtain the verification code.
  4. Enter the verification code that you received in your email.
  5. Enter the new password twice and tap Set Password. (Note that the password should be 8-20 characters long and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one digit.)
  6. You can sign in with the new password on the SIGN IN page now.

Change Nickname

  1. You can change the nickname of your account.
  2. Tap User and then your profile picture or the Settings icon in the upper right corner.
  3. Tap Personal Information.
  4. Tap the ✏️ icon to enter the nickname you want to change to.

Log Out

  1. You can log out of the current account.
  2. Tap User and then your profile picture or the Settings icon in the upper right.
  3. Tap Log Out to log out.