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Device Information

Device Information Overview

  1. Here offers specific information on the connected smart devices.
  2. On the Home page, tap the device you want to view, tap the Settings icon in the upper right corner to enter the setting page, tap Device Information to view the device’s information.

Upgrade Version

  1. Here offers version upgrade information of smart devices.
  2. On the Home page, tap the device you want to view, tap the Settings icon in the upper right corner to enter the setting page, tap OTA to view the device’s current version and the new version available.

Notification Center

  1. Notification Center provides messages and notifications about Nova Home and IoT smart products.
  2. Tap User and then Notification Center.

Privacy Policy

  1. Here are the policies related to your privacy. Please read them carefully and ensure your privacy security.
  2. Tap User and then Privacy Policy to view details.

Terms of Use

  1. Here are the terms and norms you need to know and abide by when using the app, as well as our service guide.
  2. Tap User and then Terms of Use to view details.

About Us

  1. Here offers the release notes of Nova Home. You can also visit our website to learn more about Nova Home.
  2. Tap User > the Settings icon (in the upper right corner) > About Us to view details.